Real Estate
Real Estate Overview
Real Estate taxes are “ad valorem” taxes. This means that they are based on the fair market value of the property. The County Auditor is responsible for determining this value by studying the market people create as they buy and sell property. The Ohio Department of Taxation requires the County Auditor to adjust property values to reflect this market every three years.
Real estate taxes support local services and facilities such as: schools, roads, fire departments, criminal justice services, senior citizens, park districts, and county, city, village and township governments. Mental health services, child protective services and services for the mentally handicapped are largely dependent on real estate tax levies.
Real estate taxes are calculated by multiplying the market value times 35% and then applying the correct tax rate corresponding to the location of the property. There are 54 taxing districts in Crawford County, each with its own rate. The tax rate is comprised of voted and un-voted levies. In Ohio, no property owner may be charged with more than 10 mills of un-voted levies which are imposed by the local governments and school boards. Voters determine the voted portion of the tax rate when they cast their vote.
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Transfer and Conveyance Standards
The purpose of these standards is to provide public and private agencies as well as individuals with a comprehensive set of guidelines for the preparation and recording of real property conveyances in Crawford County.
Furthermore, this document provides a guide to the rules and regulations for the preparation and approval of survey plats and legal descriptions. Said rules and regulations are adopted, in part, from Ohio Revised Codes; 315.251, 317.22, and 319.203, 711.101 2113.61, 5301.252, 302.17, 5311.10 also Ohio Administrative Code 4733-37. Said applicable codes, as referred to from time to time herein, represent the current versions as of the date of this publication.
Any subsequent revisions, changes or updates to said codes or any new codes that may be established, from time to time, may automatically be made part of this document.
Board of Revision - Property Owners Have Rights to Appeal
Real estate owners may appeal the property value used to calculate their taxes between January 1 and March 31. They are entitled to a hearing before the Crawford County Board of Revision. Please use the links below to obtain a complaint form and/or the official rules for filing a valuation complaint before the Board.
Damage to either real property or manufactured homes must be reported to us at the County Auditor’s Office in order for you to receive tax relief on next year’s taxes. Damage resulting from either demolition or natural disasters such as fire, tornado or flooding can be reported. Landlords may report damage caused by tenants.
Tax relief for real property is extended according to the following schedule. Please click below to print a destroyed property reporting form.
Damage occured
Application Deadline
% Deduction Allowed
December 31
December 31
December 31
January 31
Tax relief for manufactured homes is extended according to the following schedule. Please click below to print a destroyed property reporting form.
Damage occured
Application Deadline
% Deduction Allowed
January 31
January 31
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New Construction
The Auditor’s Office must be notified whenever a person constructs a building or other improvement costing more than $2,000. Failure to notify the Auditor’s Office could result in a fifty percent penalty on the property owner’s taxes.
Building permits are required by the City of Bucyrus, City of Galion, Jackson Township, Jefferson Township, Polk Township, Village of Crestline, Village of New Washington, Village of North Robinson, and Village of Chatfield. Each of these entities has different regulations that govern the permit process. If a building permit is issued within these jurisdictions, the County Auditor is automatically notified and no other permit or notification is required.
A taxpayer constructing or making an improvement to their property outside of the jurisdictions listed above is required to get a County Auditor Notification Permit for any construction or improvement costing more than $2,000. The Notification Permit should be obtained within 60 days of the beginning of work on the new construction or improvement.
There is a $5.00 fee, which should be included when submitting a County Auditor Notification Permit.
Manufactured Homes
Many new owners of a manufactured home are surprised to learn that they are responsible for paying manufactured home taxes. These taxes are distributed to schools and other local governments just like real estate taxes.
Under Ohio law, manufactured home buyers have 30 days to register their homes with the county auditor for tax purposes. A $100 penalty shall be charged against those who fail to register within this time period.
The law also requires taxpayers to obtain a moving permit from the county auditor prior to moving their manufactured home to another location. A $100 penalty is charged against those who fail to obtain the permit.
New legislation enables current manufactured home owners to decide if they wish their property to be taxed like real estate or like manufactured homes. Generally, older manufactured homes benefit from being taxed as manufactured homes; newer manufactured homes benefit from being taxed like real estate. However, manufactured homes purchased after January 1, 2000 must all be taxed like real estate.
We can assist you in making your decision. Just call, e-mail or stop by our office for further information.
AG District
Agricultural District Program
Enrolling your property in this program is a five year commitment to continue farming. A penalty will be assessed if the land is taken out of the program or if not used for agriculture.
- Defer sewer, water or electric assessments as long as land is farmed.
- Legal protection for any generally accepted agricultural practice in the defense of a nuisance lawsuit made against the farming operation.
- Limited protection against the use of eminent domain.
Eligibility Requirements
- Any tract of agricultural land of 10 acres or more which has been devoted exclusively to agricultural commercial use for the last three years is eligible.
- A smaller tract may be included if the tract produced an average gross income of $2,500 or more from sales of agricultural commercial products during the previous three years.
Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) allows the County Auditor to value farmland at its crop production value rather than its highest and best use value. CAUV protects the farmer from paying unnecessarily high property taxes for farmland and encourages farmers to keep faming and producing food which benefits us all.
- Eligibility Requirements
- Any tract of agricultural land of 10 acres or more which has been devoted exclusively to agricultural commercial use for the last three years is eligible.
- A smaller tract may be included if the tract produced an average gross income of $2,500 or more from sales of agricultural commercial products during the previous three years.
- Multiple parcels may be combined in order to meet eligibility as long as the deeds are titled in precisely the same name(s).
- Applicants must pay a one-time $25.00 enrollment fee, then renew without cost annually before the first Monday in March.